SCP E135 The Future of Work: Evolving Career Trajectories and Transdisciplinarity, Anuraj Gambhir

In this episode I have a really interesting chat with Anuraj Gambhir, an innovation evangelist, business strategist and a philosopher as well. Anuraj tells us in this episode about his really varied career trajectory starting from the telecommunications and mobile technology industry, through to startups and entrepreneurship, and now the holistic Smart Cities space. Anuraj and I discuss the need for meaningful interaction with technology the power of what he calls ‘transdisciplinarity’ or the disruptive creativity that comes from integration across different disciplines and industries. Anuraj also explains his focus on where technology and spirituality meet, and the importance of keeping humanity at the centre of all the tech. Anuraj tells us about a couple of projects he’s been involved with that connect dots between industries and some real use cases of data and predictive analytics helping keep humans safe and well. We finish our chat talking about the emerging trends of neuro-tech and wearable tech being used to improve health outcomes, plus the distributed intelligence in our Smart Regions and Rural Communities. As always I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed making it.

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What we cover in this episode:

  • Anuraj’s background in electrical engineering and telecommunications, followed by experiences in the startup and entrepreneurship world and now the holistic Smart Cities space
  • How early concepts of the Smart Home and Intelligent Mobility sparked Anuraj’s interest in Smart Community concepts
  • The need for meaningful interaction with technology
  • The power of what Anuraj calls ‘transdisciplinarity’ or the disruptive creativity that comes from integration across different disciplines and industries
  • Why Anuraj focuses on the place where technology and spirituality meet, especially in this rapidly changing world
  • The importance of keeping humanity at the centre of all the tech
  • The future of work and the skills needed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • The change from VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) to VUCA (vision, understanding, clarity and agility) in the new job market
  • The Japanese philosophy of ikigai and how it relates to the Millennial generation’s approach to work
  • Examples of projects in Anuraj’s career that connect dots between industries and real use cases of data and predictive analytics helping keep humans safe and well
  • Two more new words Anuraj has coined in this innovative, collaborative, increasingly complex world
  • Why we should be building champion networks to drive change, solve big challenges and integrate across disciplines
  • The emerging trends of neuro-tech and wearable tech being used to improve health outcomes
  • The distributed intelligence in our Smart Regions and Rural Communities


“The pace of change has accelerated so rapidly, and we’re living in this time of enormous impact. We’re on the verge of so many technologies that are really going to be creating some amazing benefits for mankind if taken the right way.”

“Humanity is back at the centre of everything again, [because of the] realisation that the technology-enabled world is giving us…so much clutter. It’s really about how do we declutter from the digital elements, which are not so important, and then find deeper meaning?”

“The journey most of the Millennials [are on] and what the next wave of work is going to be about [is realising] that it’s not about a nine to five job, it’s not about just working for a particular corporate. It’s about adding value in a much broader sense and to your own life, which will then actually help the community and other people as well.”

“An [emerging trend] I’ve been looking at is neuro-tech. One of the key areas of a Smart City is quality of life, and the gross happiness quotient is one measure. Then, how can you impact that? It’s so interlinked with…each facet or touch point of life within a Smart City. How can we uplift that? That’s where we’re seeing a lot of research happening in technologies into [like trans-cranial direct current stimulation].”

“Especially in Australia…can we talk about Smart Outback, or Rural Upliftment? The agri-community, which is such a big domain for Australia and we have so much know how in agri-tech. How do we think more broadly and beyond for those remote [areas]? We need to look at that whole community approach, because it’s on that edge that will find that true connectivity.”



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Podcast Production by Perk Digital


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