SCP E141 Where to next for Smart Cities and Communities? (Part 5)

I’m back with another bonus episode of the podcast that brings together multiple guests answers to the question “Where to next with Smart Cities and Communities?” And this time I’m sharing with you the answers from a number of our guests from earlier this year.

Listen here:

Guests featured in this episode:

E108 Abel Immaraj

E95 Natalie Malligan

E119 Aileen Gemma Smith

E92 Chris Cooper

E112 Flora Salim

E98 Jacob Baskin

E86 Joaquim Alvarez

There are a few main themes that come up over and over again in the podcast, and these are reflected here in the various guest answers. The three themes that Abel mentioned of trust, engagement and partnerships are common threads throughout these clips. I always ask guests how we can better integrate across disciplines, etc, and many of these guests mention the need to continue working together, communicating and breaking down silos in order to solve the problems our communities are facing. 

The other interesting theme from this selection of clips is the idea of the interaction between human behaviour and technology. We always talk about the technology sector moving people’s behaviour but Chris shares a great example of people’s behaviour moving the technology sector, with the example of how SMS was adopted. Jacob also makes this point about us being proactive and setting the rules of the game for technology, rather than letting the technology guide our decisions.

We’ve put this selection together with the theme of MOVE-ember, so moving from now to what’s next for Smart Cities and Communities.

I hope you enjoy these guests’ reflections on where they see Smart Cities and Communities heading in the future, and as always we hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed making it.


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Connect with My Smart Community via LinkedIn or Twitter and watch on YouTube

Podcast Production by Perk Digital


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